Djig ==== Djig is a minimalist, Digg-like news aggregator (old Digg, not new) for letting users submit content. Currently in a fairly alphaish state, not recommended for use. Djig includes a file and a couple of example search templates for use with Django-Haystack. Haystack is not a requirement, and lack of its presence should not cause any harm, but may be used if search is needed. You will need to at least update_index after installing Djig. .. note:: Djig is in alpha release. It may have undeclared dependencies, reference variables that do not exist, or lay waste to your server, database, or the innocence of your daughter. Installation ============ :: pip install djig Configuration ============= Add ``djig`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` :: INSTALLED_APPS = { [...], 'djig', } Add ``djig.urls`` to your root ````. I have mine as 'news', like this: :: url('^news/', include('djig.urls', namespace='news')), .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 intro Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`